Friday, June 10, 2005

My Turn

My husband's been saying lately that he doesn't want me to knit anything for anyone else until I make something for myself - and I haven't been able to afford the yarn yet for the project I picked. However, I recently scored some on eBay, and it's gorgeous - and, of course, it's .... not enough. So, off I go to my LYS to pick up some more.


What I bought was a colorway that is no longer made.
Of course.

So, I picked up a complimentary color, and plan to make it work. I'm knitting the "Smartly Shaped Top" from the May 2005 issue of Creative Knitting - it's really cute, and I can't wait to see how it shapes up.

Honestly? I'm scared. This is my FIRST project that isn't a 1) Hat 2) Scarf 3) Lap Robe 4) Prayer Shawl, or 5) Swatch.

I can DO this. I can. I will. The only thing is, I'm not sure it will fit. I picked the middle size - Large - and since I'm well and truly started, I will keep going.

....or not.....Darn it, I guess I'll have to frog. :( I just re-measured myself, and now I am looking like the largest size in the pattern is what I want. SHOOT. Darn it.


A frogging I will go...a frogging I will go...Hi, Ho, the yarny-o, a Frogging I will go.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hello! Thanks for the link! :D

I want to start building some links to friends, can I link to you? You can link to me! :) I'm going to make myself a couple of buttons when I get a chance.