Sunday, April 27, 2008

Testing Email Posting and a Name Change

Greetings, Fiberfriends & Muggles alike. Wilkommen! At CT Sheep & Wool yesterday, I met lots of Ravelry folk - and lamented the fact that I had no nametag. Then I had to explain why I'd been calling myself "Claire" to a few, since that's not my "real" name, but a nickname - unfortunately, there are a LOT of Claires out there, and more than one of my friends/readers of the blog tended to get a wee bit confused with which Claire I was, and how I'm not really a Claire at all.


Still with me? Good. I have made a decision, then. Everywhere else on the Internet, I am "thinggtwoo" - I am a younger sister, and the family are BIG Dr. Seuss fans - thus, growing up I was always "thing 2", and it was a natural progression to the 'net. Unfortunately, when I went to register said name on AOL back in the dark days of dialup, someone had -gasp - taken the name already! Oh, the horror!! So, I had to fiddle with spelling, and eventually came up with my current moniker - two O's, two T's.

Therefore - I am now ThinggTwoo - again - and hope that will clear up any confusion now or in the future. :)

Oh, also at CT Sheep & Wool, I ran into an ADORABLE Llama - I will attempt to put the picture in this post, tho since I am doing this via email, I will be interested to see if it actually works, or not.

I also ran into my dear friend WoolWytch, and we spent some time together - she will post photos & videos on her blog, so you can check them out there.

I'm in need of breakfast, currently, as I'm preparing to hike up North to hear The Yarn Harlot speak at the Calvin today, then go to Webs for some Tofutsies (I'm in Sock Wars III, and need to get my Weapon) and some size 2 dpn's. Have a grand day if at all possible, y'all!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Whooo hooo - It was so good to see you on Sat, I really need to get over to knit night again soon!