Yes, still alive, but not kicking very much - not yet, anyway. GAH, have these last two months been horrible! First my Stepfather gets Pneumonia...Mom runs herself ragged caring for him. Mom then goes to the hospital by ambulance with Pneumonia. I run all over taking care of my Stepfather ("Pop"), ferrying my daughter & brother around, and would've gone insane were it not for my incredible husband and friends from church and the homeschooling community. People came by the hospital just to sit with my Mom & Pop - Pop has Alzheimer's, and this change in routine completely blasted him out of the water. If he could be with Mom, he was MUCH better off than if he were home, with my brother. Dear friends took care of my daughter when my husband was at you see what's coming next, right? Mom comes home from the hospital on a Saturday...
The following Thursday, I'm diagnosed with Bronchitis with Pneumonia. Yeah, swell. Sunday, (Mother's Day) my husband gets sick, as does my 5 & 3/4 yr old...he with Bronchitis, she with a nasty cold + fevers. I BELIEVE we've stopped the progression at this point; my brother & sister didn't get sick, nor did my stepbrother and his family, who did come visit...twice. Not going there now..NOT.
So. Knocked OUT of commission - I was so sick, I didn't want to/couldn't knit! I just went back to my Stitch & Bitch last night for the first time in close to a month, and while it was SO wonderful to see my friends (tho I did give one a hard time, so I'm not sure how happy she is that I'm back), I was exhausted by 9:30pm. However - I DID manage to finish a year-long project last night!! Presenting - Coppelia by Berroco:
It was to be a present for my daughter's birthday last year (!!!), but didn't happen. Luckily, I think - because when she tried it on Wednesday night, it fits WONDERFULLY, with a year at least to grow in it! Last year? Would've just been too big. WHEW!!
I'm very happy with it, and so is my daughter. She wanted to wear it to bed last night, but wasn't allowed to; then wore it all day today. She's thrilled! Nothing better, truly - she loved telling people I made it, too. :)
Then, tonite - I FINALLY finished the 2nd sock of a pair that I've made for my sister. The first was given to her on her birthday, Feb. 27. Yes, that's a bit of time in between - hush. ;) The important thing is, they're BOTH DONE!!
I used Sockotta (don't remember the colorway), and the "Classic socks for the Family" pattern by Yankee Knitter Design.
My schedule for the next month or two is insane, and I hope I don't get myself sick again...but I have MUCH to do: Daughter & Mother both have birthdays in June, mine is in July - Neice in June, Dear Friend in July, etc, etc, etc. Must get some warm weather knitting going, as I don't like working on woolens during the summer months. I think I'll crank out some more Ballband Dishcloths, and some cotton socks - perhaps another Tee or shell, or some such.The bed is calling...I must succumb. Thanks for checking back, and I hope to be able to update more often now - BEGONE, Foul Germs!!